Did you know that Little Berries Preschool is a registered charity?


You may or may not be aware that Little Berries Preschool is a registered charity with the Charity Commisssion. Our charity led services mean that we are a service run for the community by the community. As a charity we are governed by volunteers (trustees). Our trustess perform the essential role of governing the preschool and form our parent/carer committee. The committee ensures that the assets, employees and activities of the preschool are managed effectively and is very important as we cannot run without it.

60% of the committee members legally need to be parents/carers of the current intake of children. Without sufficient committee members, the preschool will be forced to close with immediate effect.

Are you able to help? No experience is required, just enthusiasm! Whether you can only give up a very small amount of time, or you are happy to get really involved, we would be 'berry' grateful for your support.

Amount of Time

How you can help

  • Annual General Meeting - We need 30% of all families to attend in order to meet the requirements set by the Charity Commission.
  • Donate a Raffle Prize - or ask your employer to.
  • Spend Money! - Come along to any of our fundraising events and support our ongoing half termly fundraising efforts.

Lend a hand by:

  • Baking a cake for sale at our fundraising events
  • Helping run a stall at the summer fete

Fundraising Committee

  • We need people with great ideas and/or the time to support the Staff Team with fundraising events which are usually held once per term. Fundraising Committee meetings will require attending 2/3 meetings per term and doing what you can to help in your own time.

Management Committee

  • Our Management Committee meets every half term and is responsible for overseeing the work of the charity; ensuring that it remains financially viable and fulfils our charitable purpose.


  • Trustee roles are Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. You would need to regularly attend committee meetings and preferably be able to offer a professional skills (eg. Accounting, HR, Education) or be dedicated to the work of the charity. On occasions you may be required to provide additional support to the Staff Team, for example, during recruitment, Ofsted inspections and management support.